Note: In case of repeated misbehavior on the bus, the School will withdraw the student’s bus service, and the fee paid will not be refunded.
school transport rules
- Students can use only their allotted bus and bus stop. There is no provision for a temporary change in bus or bus stop.
- Students must always keep the given school Bus pass with them and show it when asked.
- In case of emergency leave, A permission slip must be obtained and shown at the school gate before leaving the campus.
- Parents are not allowed to enter the bus under any circumstances, nor is it expected that they should get into an argument with the bus driver/ attender. For any issue, parents must approach the school office.
- It will be the responsibility of the parents to ensure that their children reach the pickup points well in time, as the bus will not wait for latecomers.
- Students should be seated in their respective seats and not walk inside when the bus moves.